Dear Followers, thank youfollowingme. =) I am a muslim. Islam is beautiful. I don’t belong to anyone. I belong to Allah and indeed to Him I will return. Eyes like a shutter. Mind like a lens.
I am Designer 🎨 | Love Photography ≧◠‿◠≦✌ | Love Travel ✈ ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
I am crazy about KPOP, JPOP & all about CUTEST! ^^
Live to l♥ve life and l♥ve to live life!
I am Siwon Lover
KPOP is my world Fandom is my country Bias is the president Fangirling is my job KPOP friends are my family
I Love You.♥
Anything you take from this blog please take out with FULL CREDIT. All images are copyrighted by their respective owners. Don't revise the Pics.
All lyrics translating is never an easy work to do so please respect other people's hardwork. Terima kasih. Thank you. Kamsahamnida. Arigatou gozaimashita.
arini aku cuti. x kemana pon kt umah je. pagi cam biasa kemas umah. so settle sume dok ngadap pc sbb dh busan gile!
so bende first yg aku buat layan vid dlu. best gak lagu 2 am ni.
then aku layan naruto lak. mak ai... jauhnye aku ketinggalan. baru sampai chapter 379?! ouh... tidak...!! xpe aku layankan aje.
pastu aku singgah kt blog juzlilteen & aku terjumpe this kind of thing. whoaaa... super junior nk dtg malaysia this month. so tok sesape yg berminat sila la call hotline tu ek. x pon try msk websitenya. huhu...
pastu lapar trus jenguk dapur. arini masak tom yam je. so nk g makan then solat. c ya!
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