Monday, January 7, 2008
The guy who love you...
always see you,
he will try to make himself busy,
for not to have
any time to remember you, because he
knew, if he
did, he will keep on missing you until
he could do nothing.
The guy who love you, can't tell you
the reason why he love you.
he only knew that,
in his eyes,
you are the only one.
The guy who love you,seldom praise
you , but in his heart, you are the best,
only he know it.
The guy who love you, will scold or
complaint if
you din't reply his message but
others, because
he cares.
The guy who love you, only drop his
tears in front of you,
when you try to wipe his tears,
you are touching his heart,
the heart which beat for you.
The guy who love you, will remember
every word u said, even its accidentally and he
will use the
word always at the nick of time.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
A - Age:
B - Band listening to right now:
C - Career:
graphic designer for donno how many years more?
D - Drink or smoke:
E - Easiest person/s to talk to:
F - Favorite song/s at the moment:
Bethany Joy Galleotti - Halo
G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms:
J - Junk foods you like:
pape yg best..
L - Longest car ride ever:
M - My favorite Sport/s:
basketball… sejak bile tah..
N - Number of relationships you've had:
too many..
O - One wish you have:
back 2 normal life!
P - Phobias:
deep water, crawling creatures, blood, accidents
Q - Favorite Quote:
"Make a wish and place it in your heart. Anything you want, everything you want. Do you have it? Good. Now believe it can come true. You never know where the next miracle is gonna come from, the next smile, the next wish come true. But if you believe that it's right around the corner, and you open your heart and mind to the possibility of it, to the certainty of it. You just might get the thing you're wishing for. The world is full of magic. You just have to believe in it. So make your wish. Do you have it? Good. Now believe in it. With all your heart."
R - Reason to smile:
S - Song:
any song
T - Time you woke up:
bila alarm berbunyik!
U - Unknown fact about you:
V - Vegetable/fruit you hate:
W - Worst habit:
fast food?!
X - X-rays you've had:
mase masuk uni..
Y - Yummy food/s:
ice cream/chocolate
Z - Zodiac sign:
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Welcome 2008
huhu... x smpai bape ari... bape jam... bape minute... bape saat lagi da'nk msk thn bru??!! huhu... cepatnye...
summary of my life 2007:
1) year 2007 aku berumur 24 tahun (huhuhu... dah tua)
2) year 2007 paling byk kenangan manis dr pahit aku!
3) 3 org sepupu aku da'kawin (huh... dh smpai seru!nk wat cmne :p)
4) tahun yg paling ramai kengkwn aku kawen n' tunang! (aku tumpang hepi!.. hihi...)
5) soklan cepumas paling byk skali aku dpt thn nih! (lala... wat bodo jer!)
6) job (huhu... aku x sangka this year dh 2 thn aku keje...)
7) no saving (emm abis bulan abis la gaji aku...)
8) aku berjaye blaja byk bende gak (termasuklah bende² yg merepek... lalala...)
9) utang ptptn yg tak luak2 gak even byr tiap2 bulan (nyesal gile amik ptptn)
10) berat badan yg bertambah (ayarkk!!)
cukup la aku senaraikan byk tuh! klu org tnye nanti aku pepandai la jwb pe lg summary aku year 2007 tuh! n' this azam bru aku...
azam tahun baru:
1) nak tambahkan skill dlm mendesign aku! xspecially aku nk blaja blk wat animation...
(huhu... ilang dh smua skill animation aku...)
2) nak gaji naik... (agak² dpt x? huhu...)
3) hope find my dream (hrmm...)
4) nk jd budak baik!!
5) huhuhu... nak gi melancong (tp tatau lg ktne!)
6) skg nih junior graphic designer... nak jadi senior still jauh lagi... so kena usaha lebih...
7) nk kurangkan berat badan... (huh!)
8) nk tambah collection² fav aku...
9) nk tambah... ape erk?? tggu aku pk dlu r... ble tibe msenye!!
10) ingat nk blaja programming lak hrmm...
hope tercapai la impian for next year... n' please dun ask me... su/hani bile nak kawin. coz in my life, career first. bukannye bf, or kawin or sumtin' yg similar ngan kwsan yg sewaktu dgnnye... hahaha. (but... if jodoh aku smpai pd waktunye... i mean awal lak... terime je la!) actually aku masih tak bersedia utk berfamili,utk comitment dlm serius relationship.. huhu... takut sbnrnye... still xmo org tye,"mne pegi nih?" or "kuar ngan sape" or yang paling xmo "let's meet my parents","jom tunang"... huhuhuhu... i love my single life now! but i'm still waiting for 4 thn lagi! 4 someone...
so,welcome 2008...